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Meet Yara


Yara Hindawi

Company Role:


Favorite quote:

“I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by” – Douglas Adams

Your top 3 favorite Podcasts/Books?

To be quite honest, I haven’t picked up a book in quite a bit because YouTube is my main mode of edutainment. Here are my top 3 favorite channels:

  • Kurzgesagt; they produce beautifully illustrated animations discussing scientifically-backed topics.
  • Contrapoints; Natalie’s discourse around society, backed by her extensive knowledge of philosophy makes for really nourishing brain food.
  • Jeff Nippard; his content is a refreshing break from the cookie-cutter fitness videos we’re usually bombarded with on social media.

What is something illustrators have to deal with that you want to fix?

People often (wrongly) assume that because my job is to draw, and it’s fun (that’s quite true!) that I would be okay doing it for free. I think it’s very important that illustrators are paid a fair market price for their time and effort. It is, at the end of the day, the main source of income for many of us.

What do you do at Adam wa Mishmish?

I have the honor of illustrating books and educational resources, which were originally designed and drawn by an illustrator whose work I admire, Lutfi Zayed.

What’s your Archetype?

The internet tells me my Archetype is the Joker, but if I were to self-diagnose, I’d prefer to be an Explorer.

What do you like about working at Adam wa Mishmish?

Apart from the fun I have illustrating books? It’s the incredible, encouraging, and warm team I have the pleasure of working with.

What’s your background?

It’s a mishmash of many things: I have a degree in Architecture, but I worked in social media and then later made the career change to become a full-time illustrator and graphic designer.

What are the values that drive you?

Honesty and consistency; these are two values I made an effort to instill in any work I do.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

Weekend getaways with my husband and dog are what I look forward to the most!

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