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Teaching our children Arabic in a bilingual home or abroad is difficult. The following are tips on how to integrate Arabic language learning for your kids,  into your everyday life:

1. Make sure to embrace Arabic at home 

Make Arabic a part of your daily life, by speaking the language at home, reading Arabic books to your children, and watching Arabic content during allocated TV time. 

2. Have full conversations with your children in Arabic 

Encourage conversation and practice speaking Arabic by asking your children questions and allowing them to express themselves in Arabic. You can also introduce new vocabulary where needed.

3. Play games in Arabic 

Play language games and partake in Arabic language activities, such as word search, repetition games, charades, and even Pictionary.

4. Use educational tools 

Use educational tools such as apps, videos, and websites to help your children learn Arabic in a fun and exciting way.

5. Immerse them into the Arabic culture 

In order to raise proud Arab children, you need to teach them more about their culture. Try cooking Arabic food with your children, mentioning all the ingredients you’re putting into the meal, and maybe do some research about what you’re making and talk about it while cooking. Watch Arabic movies and celebrate Arabic holidays, discussing the meaning behind each holiday.

6. Celebrate the little things 

Celebrate your children’s progress and accomplishments in learning the Arabic language regularly and at each linguistic milestone. Keep it fun and light to encourage them to progress further.


Adam Wa Mishmish are always here to support your little one’s Arabic journey, with a wide range of episodes to cover different topics from the basics of the Arabic language, to more complex topics such as friendships, basic science concepts, and more. Our “Learn Arabic with Adam Wa Mishmish” mobile app can support your children’s Arabic learning journey by utilizing flashcards, stories, videos, songs, crafts, and games!  Through our various resources, we give you and your child a chance to put Arabic words into practice. And just so it’s not too overwhelming, our curriculum focuses on one topic each week. Check out our app and browse through our 9 themes and 40 lessons. 

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